“C-2-CTM is the next-generation energy storage system, providing additional revenue stacking for storage asset owners and enabling grid parity now.”
The promise of energy storage for the electric grid is to efficiently match electricity supply and demand, harnessing the power of intermittent and distributed renewable resources to offset fossil-based peaking generation: in this, energy storage promises to be a profound disruption to the energy sector as the internet was to computers. Now Storage Power Solution’s Cell-to-Cabinet (C-2-CTM) breakthrough technology makes this a reality, enhancing revenue stacking capabilities for energy storage, and enabling grid parity.
With rapidly changing technology, customers want assurances that their energy storage solutions are safe, reliable and competitively priced. SPS is driving this transformation, with a vision to provide 100% available, 2 cents/kWh clean energy for all. Tapping into their 100+ years of experience in power electronics, energy storage, renewables and critical infrastructure, SPS can help customers engineer energy storage solutions for a variety of applications. These applications include industrial plants looking to solve power quality & reliability issues, while reducing peak demand; utilities looking to solve transmission & distribution constraints; as well as developers who are installing battery storage technology to enhance the revenue potential of renewables generation.
When it comes to battery storage, there are a lot of things that typically get overlooked by integrators who package systems around third-party battery modules. Integrators are unable to control the design of their storage system, including safety features, thermal management and battery cell quality. Not surprisingly, customers do not want to deal with this, demanding 100% operational availability and safety.
This is where SPS’ Cell-to-Cabinet (C-2-CTM) technology offers a number of advantages. In addition to being the industry leader in maximum power and energy capacity in the smallest footprint, C-2-CTM is designed from the cell up, integrating into 7-layers of safety for optimum protection against thermal events, and 6 additional protection layers for human and cybersecurity. C-2-CTM delivers 100% availability through the use of an n+4 redundancy design, all with a 20-year performance guarantee for a de-risked value proposition.
In addition to safety and reliability, energy storage developers, are focused on technologies that can provide that financial edge: this is where C-2-CTM offers a significant strategic competitive advantage. Until now, energy storage could only perform one or two grid functions at a time, reducing the ability to respond to market signals and optimize return on investment. C-2-CTM enables true revenue stacking by remotely segmenting the energy storage system in seconds into configurable blocks that run independently of each other, simultaneously performing different grid functions to optimize revenue.
All-in-all, C-2 CTM has been designed with the customer in mind and can scale from 50 kWh to GWh+, for a variety of applications requiring infrastructure hardening and rugged environments. Installation and commissioning are simplified with the system shipped to the site fully assembled and tested. This breakthrough approach ensures that the energy storage project comes in on time and on budget while ensuring 100% availability for performance over the life of the asset.
As well, C-2-CTM uses proprietary analog-intelligent controls to enable a plug and play with a variety of Power Conversion Systems (PCS) and Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS). This provides a lot of choices to match the right energy storage system to the right application. For example, while SPS believes that PCS based energy storage systems are a great fit for front-of-the meter systems, double-conversion UPS-based solutions are the way to go for behind the meter customer applications, greatly reducing and simplifying the utility permitting process. These solutions also provide additional customer value by providing back up power for their critical and essential loads, while solving power quality issues. This flexibility allows SPS to work with the customer to engineer the best overall C-2-CTM system to meet the power & energy requirements and customer needs.