Quote: “We are always working on making VectorVest better, faster, smarter and easier to use”
Dr. Bart DiLiddo—one of the foremost investment experts in the world and the developer of the highly effective VectorVest system—began investing in 1960 and lost money for nearly 15 years because he believed the so-called experts. Dr. DiLiddo sold all his stocks at the end of the vicious bear market of 1974 and being a trained mathematician wrote his own equations for calculating the value. From there, he decided to only buy stocks where earnings went up quarter after quarter, year after year. Rising earnings is the engine that drives stock prices higher. For over 30 years, VectorVest’s mission has been to provide the best stock market guidance available anywhere at any price. And, today VectorVest is the only stock analysis and portfolio management system that analyzes, ranks and graphs over 19,000 stocks each day for value, safety and timing and gives a clear buy, sell or hold rating on every stock every day.
VectorVest provides unbiased information on value, safety and timing in three proprietary indicators to greatly enhance an investor’s ability to make money in the stock market with lower risk. VectorVest calculates value for each stock in dollars and cents per share. It also calculates Relative Value (RV) which provides information on the upside potential of a stock. Relative Safety (RS) is an assessment of a stocks’ financial performance over time.
The third indicator is Relative Timing (RT) which analyzes a stock’s price trend. VectorVest advocates investors buy safe, undervalued stocks that are rising in a rising market.
VectorVest derives its name by using the Vector formula, combining RV, RS and RT into a single vector called VST-Vector. Each indicator is cast onto a scale from 0.00 to 2.00. So, RV, RS, RT and VST provide a fingerprint of every stock and can be analyzed in a matter of seconds. The software ranks any stock by each of these parameters with a click.
Knowing when to sell a stock is the single most difficult decision an investor must make. To make this easier, VectorVest calculates a Stop Price for every stock every day. The stop price is a safety net. VectorVest believes it is extremely important that an investor knows when to exit a stock before they buy it. VectorVest uses numerous stop loss systems including a new “ProfitLocker Pro” stop loss that is patent-pending.
According to Dr. DiLiddo, the keys to successful portfolio management consist of first building a VectorVest WatchList of stocks. The stocks are automatically ranked by VST-Vector with the best at the top. The next step is to sort this list by RT, to check the price trend. The stocks that are hurting the portfolio are at the bottom. If they have a Sell rating, check the graphs and click View Stock News to identify the problem. Now’s the time to consider selling. VectorVest provides all the information an investor needs to make this decision easier.
The next step an investor must take is to check to see whether the market is rising. VectorVest has a wonderful market timing gauge that’s perfect for analyzing the market direction, it’s called the Color Guard. If there is a green light in the price column of the Color Guard, the overall market is rising. VectorVest recommends buying high VST-Vector and high RS stocks. These high quality & safe stocks have the best chance of outperforming the market.
An investor needs to know when to buy, what to buy and when to sell. If they use the process described above to manage their portfolio, they have a much greater likelihood of success. VectorVest is a totally unique service, with unique structure and power. It makes a difficult subject—investing very simple.
The company is looking forward to the release of VectorVest’s fully automatic RoboTrader— software where an investor selects a trading system and lets RoboTrader make the trades for them. “We are always working on making VectorVest better, faster, smarter and easier to use,” says Dr. DiLiddo.